As a serial productivity content consumer (I could have been more productive, if I had skipped watching those videos), I am well aware of a lot of note taking methods. From simplified methods like paper pen to a full fledged systems involving, zettelkasten, obsidian, readwise, bookmark manager, and interconnecting everything with some random sync methods that never properly worked in the first place.

But Mind Garden is relatively new concept for me. I don’t think I fully understood the concept at the time of writing this, but I could visualize how it would grow on me and it made me excited to try this write away.

Came across this concept in a video from Meta Monkeys and landed up on finding Tracy Durnell. I am still in awe on how much she have written how wide and interesting her writings are.

Obsidian was the chosen tool. I want to sync obsidian atleast to read content